Useful "String"-Extensions for TypeScript

In my first post, I would like to introduce you to my string extensions.

I come from the C# development (SharePoint) and there the type "String" has some helpful methods. There are for example Equals() or StartsWith(), etc.

Because of SharePoint Online and the new SharePoint Framework SPFx TypeScript has become my new language. Since I used Equals, StartsWith, EndsWidth, etc. for years, I wanted to have that in TypeScript as well. For this, I implemented String Extensions.

To extend existing types, an interface must be declared (for IntelliSense). The new methods are described there. After that, the logic can be implemented by extending the prototype. Here you can see my implementations. It contains:

  • StartsWith(searchTerm, ignoreCase)
  • EndsWith(searchTerm, ignoreCase)
  • Contains(searchTerm, ignoreCase)
  • IndexOf(searchTerm, ignoreCase)
  • Insert(startIndex, valueToInsert)
  • Equals(value, ignoreCase)
  • IsEmpty()

And yes, I know the method names are not Typical for TypeScript/JavaScript, because UpperCamelCase. But as I said, C# developer....

Feel free to change the names or Logic

/* tslint:disable:interface-name */
declare interface String {
     * Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches a specified string.
     * @param {string} searchTerm the specified string
     * @param {boolean} ignoreCase if <c>true</c> (default) than the case will be ignored, otherwise not
     * @returns {boolean} <c>true</c> if this strings starts with the specified searchTerm, otherwise <c>false</c>
    StartsWith(searchTerm: string, ignoreCase?: boolean): boolean;

     * Determines whether the ending of this string instance matches a specified string.
     * @param {string} searchTerm the specified string
     * @param {boolean} ignoreCase if <c>true</c> (default) than the case will be ignored, otherwise not
     * @returns {boolean} <c>true</c> if this strings ends with the specified searchTerm, otherwise <c>false</c>
    EndsWith(searchTerm: string, ignoreCase?: boolean): boolean;

     * Returns a value indicating whether a specified substring occurs within this string.
     * @param {string} searchTerm the specified string
     * @param {boolean} ignoreCase if <c>true</c> (default) than the case will be ignored, otherwise not
     * @returns {boolean} <c>true</c> if this strings contains the specified searchTerm, otherwise <c>false</c>
    Contains(searchTerm: string, ignoreCase?: boolean): boolean;

     * Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specified Unicode
     * character or string within this instance. The method returns -1 if the
     * character or string is not found in this instance.
     * @param {string} searchTerm the specified string
     * @param {boolean} ignoreCase if <c>true</c> (default) than the case will be ignored, otherwise not
     * @returns {number} the zero-based index of the position or -1 if not exists
    IndexOf(searchTerm: string, ignoreCase?: boolean): number;

     * Returns a new string in which a specified string is inserted
     * at a specified index position in this instance.
     * @param {number} startIndex the specified index position
     * @param {string} valueToInsert the string to insert
     * @returns {string} the new generated string
    Insert(startIndex: number, valueToInsert: string): string;

     * Determines whether two String objects have the same value.
     * @param {string} value The string to compare to this instance
     * @param {boolean} ignoreCase if <c>true</c> (default) than the case will be ignored, otherwise not
     * @returns {boolean} <c>true</c> if the value of the value parameter
     * is the same as this string; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
    Equals(value: string, ignoreCase?: boolean): boolean;

     * Determines whether a String is empty or whitespace.
     * @returns {boolean} <c>true</c> if the value of this string is empty or whitespace; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
    IsEmpty(): boolean;

String.prototype.StartsWith = function (this: string, searchTerm: string, ignoreCase: boolean = true): boolean {

    let searchIn: string = this;

    if (ignoreCase) {
        searchTerm = searchTerm.toLocaleLowerCase();
        searchIn = searchIn.toLocaleLowerCase();

    return searchIn.indexOf(searchTerm) === 0;

String.prototype.EndsWith = function (this: string, searchTerm: string, ignoreCase: boolean = true): boolean {
    let searchIn: string = this;

    if(searchTerm.length > searchIn.length) {
        return false;

    if (ignoreCase) {
        searchTerm = searchTerm.toLocaleLowerCase();
        searchIn = searchIn.toLocaleLowerCase();

    const position: number = searchIn.length - searchTerm.length;
    const lastIndex: number = searchIn.indexOf(searchTerm, position);
    return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;

String.prototype.Contains = function (this: string, searchTerm: string, ignoreCase: boolean = true): boolean {
    let searchIn: string = this;

    if (ignoreCase) {
        searchTerm = searchTerm.toLocaleLowerCase();
        searchIn = searchIn.toLocaleLowerCase();

    return searchIn.indexOf(searchTerm) >= 0;

String.prototype.IndexOf = function (this: string, searchTerm: string, ignoreCase: boolean = true): number {
    let searchIn: string = this;

    if (ignoreCase) {
        searchTerm = searchTerm.toLocaleLowerCase();
        searchIn = searchIn.toLocaleLowerCase();

    return searchIn.indexOf(searchTerm);

String.prototype.Insert = function(this: string, startIndex: number, valueToInsert: string): string {
    const text: string = this;
    const first: string = text.substring(0, startIndex);
    const second: string = text.substring(startIndex, text.length);

    return first + valueToInsert + second;

String.prototype.Equals = function(this: string, value: string, ignoreCase?: boolean): boolean {
    let s: string = this.slice(0);
    if (ignoreCase) {
        s = s.toLocaleLowerCase();
        value = value.toLocaleLowerCase();

    return value === s;

String.prototype.IsEmpty = function(this: string): boolean {
    const s: string = this;
    return s.length < 1 || s.trim().length < 1;

How to Use it?

Import the Extensions in your Project:

import '{pathToFile}/StringExtensions';

After that, the methods can be used. Logically it works only with string variables.

const myString: string = "Welcome";
myString.StartsWith("wElcOmE", true); // returns true
myString.StartsWith("wElcOmE", false); // returns false, because the case is not ignored
" ".IsEmpty() // returns true

let undefinedString: string;
undefinedString.StartsWith("error"); //Throws an error, because the variable is not defined.

As you can see, a variable must be initialized, otherwise the extension methods cannot be used and throws an error.

Happy Coding

PS: Would appreciate feedback. This is my first post.

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